Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

Benefits of Shaving Pubic Hair Female

pros and cons of shaving female pubic hair
Image From: 2.bp.blogspot.com

Benefits of Shaving Pubic Hair Female - Pubic fur indeed lie at a very closed. Although pubic fur is never exposed, but you must not ignore the growing feathers around the sex organs. For a woman, growth of pubic fur is a sign that puberty has come. This happens due to the turn and the increase of the hormone are approaching a period of transition from adolescence to adulthood is heading. Not only that, the growth of pubic fur around the female sex organs is also caused due to the inherent nature of faced by everyone.

The Benefits Of Shaving The Pubic Fur

Shaving pubic fur for a woman is quite important, as the pubic fur that is not shaved can cause various diseases, besides fur is the most convenient place for bacteria proliferation. To avoid various kinds of bacteria that can cause health problems, organ of femininity so shave your pubic fur regularly at least 2 months. The following are benefits of pubic shear for women.

Read Also: 15 benefits of Soursop leaves

shaving female pubic hair
Image From: cdn.shopify.com

1. The female sex organs are kept clean

As with any pubic hair heads, fur if left to grow it will also be den of germs, bacteria and fungi. This of course can endanger the health of the female sex organs.

2. Reduce the risk of developing a disease endangering the health of femininity

Shaving pubic fur regularly can reduce the risk of various diseases that endanger the health of women, for example, is a whitish, fungus, ringworm and others.

3. Embellish the appearance

Pubic shear apart is good for the health of vagina is also good to beautify the appearance. Pubic fur certainly can interfere with a person's appearance and reduces the confidence before the pair if not maintained clean. So, the benefits of pubic shear is improving the quality of intimate relationships shared husband.

Read Also: Positive and Negative Effect of Alcohol
benefits of trimming pubic hai
Image From: vospalenia.ru

4. Reduce the odor on the female sex organs

Benefits of pubic shear on the next woman is reducing body odor on the female sex organs. Pubic fur that is not shaved could make sweat stuck, humidity increased and eventually cause a yeast infection occurs even whitish.

5. Provide comfort

Shaving pubic fur for women is beneficial to provide comfort at the time of menstruation, so that the female sex organs will be more hygienic and not easily exposed to the fungus that cause itching.

That's some of the benefits of pubic shear for women. In addition to good for the health of the female, the pubic fur that bit can also provide a sense of more sensitive touch that makes an intimate relationship with a partner is getting quality and harmony of the family will continue to be maintained. Good luck.

Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

Positive and Negative Effect of Alcohol

Positive and negative Effect of Alcohol
Image From: eattoperform.com

Positive and negative impacts of liquor - Liquor? I've certainly know all, or kids or adults for sure I've never heard of. Liqueur we know most beverages are harmful to the health of the body, but for those who've never tried the drink until drunk surely holds 180 degree turn.

Some time ago, I got invited to drink beer are the same friends I school (children of school age are now already. Because I'm still a child including ababil, naturally I want liquor, although a bit wrote.

After drinking I had time to think what impact drinking liquor. I would search on the internet about liquor, and it turns out there are some positive and negative impacts of liquor for the body. Please note the following info:

Read Also: 15 benefits of Soursop leaves

Positive impact

Liquor can provide benefits if taken in doses that are appropriate and not excessive.

1. Wine

With a dose of a glass of wine per day, for women, wine can increase the level of estrogen, which slows the bone damage and reduces the risk of dying young up to 33%. As for the men, wine is able to reduce the risk of the occurrence of prostate cancer.

For our bodies, wine is able to confront the disease against our bodies, like stroke, kidney stones, heart, diabetes and cancers of the upper digestive tract. Wine can also prevent cholesterol, because it can burn calories which can form fat.which alcoholic drink is good for skin

2. Beer

Beer is generally made from fermented wheat and can reduce the risk of heart disease. While low-alcoholic beer can be used as anti cancer if drunk regularly.

One and a half glass of beer a day can increase insulin sensitivity, reduce the risk of diabetes and kidney stones. In addition to this protein in the brain is able to protect the beer or the threat of attack Alzheimer's and breast cancer in women.

which alcoholic drink is good for skin
Image From: media.salon.com

3. Vodka

The benefits of belonging to the vodka portion can beautify the skin of the face or head. To shrink the pores can affix vodka on cotton and quite to the face.

As for your dandruff can mix some shot of vodka on your shampoo bottle. And the last is to smooth your feet and hands before menicure, pedicure and simply combine the vodka into the warm water and soak your feet.

4. Wine/Alcohol

This liquor has a fairly high alcohol levels. Alcohol helps nourish the body as it contains effect warms the body.

Read Also: How To Cope With Diaper Rash With Baby Oil

alcoholic face before and after
Image From: dhi-online.org.uk

The Negative Impact

The negative effects of liquor when used excessively.

1. Organic Mental Disorder (GMO)

This disturbance will lead to changes in behavior, such as acting rude, angry so easily have problems in the environment. Changes in Physiology as the eyes squint, red face and way stagger. Change in psychology such as difficulty concentration, often digress and irritable.

2. Damaging the Memory

Addicted to booze can the development of memory and brain cells.

3. Cerebral Oedema

Swelling of blood in the brain tissue. Resulting in impaired coordination in the brain normally.
benefits of alcohol for health

4. Cirrhosis of the liver

Inflammation of liver cells and cell death in the liver due to drinking too much liquor.

5. Disorders of the heart

Drinking too much can make your heart does not function properly.Alcohol and Cancer Risk Fact

6. Gastrinitis

Sore or wound in the stomach. This is usually caused due to vomiting alcohol, because the stomach must be forcibly pumping out the addictive substances that are toxic in the body.

Read Also: Hidden Benefits of Wild Cherry

7. Paranoid

Because of addiction, such as frequent drinkers feel like head beaten up or not. So his behaviour became more rough on those around him.

8. Poisoning/Drunk

Drinking too much booze can eliminate the consciousness of her aliases already up. Normally this is arguably "tasty" of liquor. Though I've obviously poisoning.

Additional info, I also got terms of drinking

  • Drink the appropriate dose is determined
  • Is sufficient age (21 years)
  • Buy liquor that's been labeled the Ministry of health,

For the youth and the next generation of the nation should not drink liquor. Although liquor is useful, but it is better avoided. It is also still a lot of food and drinks more healthier than booze.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

15 benefits of Soursop leaves

benefits of soursop leaf to fever
Image From: timefornaturalhealthcare.com

Here's 15 benefits of Soursop leaves which often unrrated - Plus Impact When very large Once Soursop (Annona Muricata) is a species of fruit plant which comes from the Caribbean, Central America and South America.

This plant grows in tropical areas mainly in Indonesia and produce fruit that tastes sweet and a bit sour. Not only is its fruit, soursop leaf turns also have many used in alternative medicine.

What are the benefits of soursop leaves?

In soursop leaves contained a variety of active compounds, including flavonoids, tannins, saponins, alcaloid, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B and C, phytosterols, and calcium oxalate.

The main compounds contained in soursop leaves is annona acetogenins, which is one of the types of fatty acids. The following are some benefits of soursop leaves we can get:

1. Relieve fever

benefits of soursop leaf to fever
Fever is one indicator or a sign that problems occur in the body. In the event of disruption such as inflammation, the body will issue a signal and stimulates the brain to increase body temperature of a person.

The temperature rise is meant to kill bacteria or viruses that cause inflammation. Nevertheless, fever can make someone feel very uncomfortable and distracted so that if someone is experiencing fever, he or she should immediately be addressed.

Soursop leaves contain active compounds capable of lowering the body temperature as well as overcome infections that occur in the body. When the fever, boil few strands soursop leaves with a glass of water for 10 minutes and then drink the boiled water in the State.

2. Reduce the symptoms of arthritis

Soursop leaf contains compounds anti inflammatori or inflammation that can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Arthritis is a disruption in the joints, caused by inflammation and is one of the symptoms of an autoimmune disease or destruction of the immune system that occurs in the body where the white blood cells instead of attacking normal cells in the body.

Drinking the decoction of soursop leaves per day can reduce the symptoms of arthritis and pain in joints.

prevent skin damage Soursop leaves
Image From: newsmax.com

3. Prevent skin damage

prevent skin damage Soursop leaves rich in antioxidants that can prevent damage and fix the problem onthe skin caused by free radicals.

In addition, soursop leaves can also be used to treat problems of the skin includingeczema and acne. Anti-inflammatory compounds and anti-bacterial in soursop leaves were able to eliminate inflammation of the skin due to Acne and prevent acne leave stains on the face.

You can eliminate eczema and acne by way of mashing a few strands soursop leaves and rub it on the area of skin that is problematic. Do these treatments on a regular basis for a few days and see the results.

Read Also: How To Cope With Diaper Rash With Baby Oil

4. Prevent and treat cancer

One of the benefits of soursop leaves the unexpected is preventing and treating cancer. Many studies have proved the influence of soursop leaf extract on the development of various kinds of cancer cells in the body.

Soursop leaves Annonaceous acetogenins contains compounds that can only be found in the plant family annonaceae. The compound is a phytochemical compounds have anti-cancer activity. Annonaceous acetogenins works in the body kill cancer cells and trigger apoptosis or known mechanisms of cell suicide.

Naturally, the damaged cells in the body will kill himself so as not to affect other cells, but in the case of cancer, the cells lose control and cannot control the clevage.

Not only kill cancer cells, soursop leaf extract is also capable of killing tumor effectively by way of inhibiting the supply of nutrients and energy required by tumor cells.

5. Prevent and treat diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body loses control of sugar levels in the blood.

High blood sugar levels in the body due to diabetes can damage cells and tissues so that diabetes is one of the causes of the highest mortality rates in the world. Diabetes or diabetes can be caused by several factors such as unhealthy life pattern andthe genetic causes of insulin resistance or damage the function of the hormone insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that works with regulating blood sugar levels in the body to keep it normal. In diabetics, insulin does not work optimally because of loss of its ability against the sugar levels in the blood. Soursop leaf contains compounds metanolik, streptozotocin can trigger the beta cells of langerhans in the pancreas to produce insulin and increases insulin sensitifias against the blood sugar levels in the body.

Consume water decoction of soursop leaves each day can help diabetics in neutralizing the sugar levels in the blood.

6. Resolve inflammation

Inflammation in the body can occur due to infections or disorders of the organ systems. Active compounds in soursop leaves is able to work as an anti-inflammatori substances as well as an analgesic or pain reliever.

Therefore, the water is boiled or soursop leaf extract can be used to cure inflammation, whether mild or chronic like inflammation of the intestinal tract such as indigestion and stomach.

7. Treat malaria

benefits of soursop leaf to treat malaria
Malaria is one of the diseases caused by the Plasmodium parasite that is transmitted through mosquitos Anopheles.

The number of death caused by malaria is high in Indonesia and, if not immediatelytreated, malaria can be very dangerous. The results showed that the extract of pentane contained in soursop leaves to kill Plasmodium causes malaria effectively.

This is why the soursop leaf has been used historically to treat malaria mainly in tropical countries.

Hypertension or high blood pressure
Image From: cardioconnect.ca

8. Lower blood pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one factor in the risk of heart disease. Highblood pressure in the body usually due to blood vessels or arteries thicken and clogthe bloodstream.

A study published by Kedari et al. in American Journal of Research Communicationby 2014 States that the soursop leaves contains compounds antihypertensive that can lower blood pressure without affecting the working of the organ of the heart.

Drink decoction of soursop leaves every day able to help sufferers of hypertension in controlling blood pressure.

Read Also: Hidden Benefits of Wild Cherry

9. Treat jaundice

benefits of soursop leaves to cure jaundice
Ethanol extract contained in soursop leaves or a. muricata has positive effects on the organ of the heart.

These compounds are capable of protecting the liver or liver of toxins and the effects of free radicals. In the country of Ghana, soursop leaves have long been used as an herb to cleanse and treat a variety of health problems that attacks organs such as the liver or liver jaundice or jaundice caused by hepatitis viruses.

This disease causes the skin and sclera of the eyes of a person due to the high variability levels of bilirubin in the blood. The study mentions that soursop leaf extract is capable of lowering the levels of bilirubin in the blood of sufferers of jaundice.

10. Strengthen the immune system

One of the benefits of soursop leaf is the strengthening of the immune system in our body. Antioxidant compounds contained in soursop leaves are able to improve the ability of immune cells or immune cells in the ward off microorganisms and free radicals that can cause a variety of diseases.

In addition, the content of zinc in soursop leaves can also help boost the immune system so it is not susceptible to the disease.

As you feel the symptoms of the flu or a fever, you could consume of water decoction of soursop leaf to strengthen your body's endurance.

11. Addressing the heartburn

cope with heartburnUlcer disease or gastric inflammation suffered by much of society. This disease occurs due to poor eating patterns a person or due to infection in the channel of cerna. If left untreated, the disease can cause ulcer serious health disorders.

Soursop leaves contain a compound of anti-ulceritis or anti inflammation which caninhibit the production of stomach acid, protects the gastric wall as well as kill the bacteria causes infection in cerna.

Routine consumes a decoction of soursop leaves water can reduce the infection in the stomach at the same time soothes sore due to the infection.

12. Speed up wound healing

A study conducted by Moghadamtousi et al proves that compound ethyl acetate and antioxidants contained in soursop leaves are able to accelerate healing of woundson the skin.

If you want your wound soon healed, you only need to pound a few strands soursop leaves and applying it to the skin that hurt.

13. Overcoming Depression and stress

Who would have thought if soursop leaves can be used to overcome the mental disorders such as depression.

According to the study, the problem of depression and stress may cause disorders on health and increases the risk of various diseases. Soursop leaf contains compounds alkaloids, anonaine, nornuciferine and asimilobine, which functions as an anti-depresant.

These compounds are capable of inhibiting the occurrence of stress and triggers the brain to produce serotonin compounds that can calm nerves and relieve stress.

Read Also: The Amazing Benefits of Tomatoes

14. Lower Cholesterol

Anti-Hyperlipidemia compounds contained in soursop leaves were able to lower thefat content of evil or the cholesterol in medical language termed Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and increases levels of good fats or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) in the body.

Bad cholesterol can penetrate the walls of the arteries and cause plaque on blood vessels or known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis or thickening of the arteries can cause high blood pressure and increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

15. Treat diarrhea

the benefits of soursop leaves in coping with diarrhea - Diarrhea is an indigestion marked by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and stool that is liquid.

Diarrheal disease suffered by many community and Indonesia ranked the thirteenthleading cause of death in Indonesia, due to several factors including the parasitic infection such as bacteria Escherischia coli.

A research on the 2014 notes that methanol extracts contained in soursop leaves were able to prevent the growth of bacteria and parasites including the bacterium Escheriscia coli which is the cause of diarrhea.

Is it save consuming soursop leaves?
Image From: biologiquement.com

Is it save consuming soursop leaves?

Despite the many benefits of soursop leaves that have been tested, the study also mentioned that soursop leaves can trigger urinasi or stimulate spending urine or urine after consumption. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid the consumption of water decoction of soursop juice as much as possible.

Soursop leaf extract consumption or water decoction of soursop in long periods of time can also result in bad health because of the anti-microbial compounds contained in soursop leaves can kill off the good bacteria or normal flora in the body.

Too many consume soursop leaf extract containing alcohol can also cause drowsiness and loss of consciousness. Thus, the be wise in consuming soursop leaves and if necessary consult a doctor first.

Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

How To Cope With Diaper Rash With Baby Oil

 How To Cope With Diaper Rash To Use Baby Oil If
Image From: cdn.klimg.com


How To Cope With Diaper Rash To Use Baby Oil 

If you want to take care of your baby so you can easily use the pampers disposable diapers or disposables which are more practical and easier.

There are a wide variety of brands from pampers you can find when you make a purchase in the shop baby equipment that is around you but if You want a comfortable and also pampers secure then you must choose which fits your baby and also have the material is soft and comfortable.

This is due to the unsuitable pampers indeed sometimes can cause diaper rash. But there are a variety of ways of overcoming the diaper rash and one of them is to use the how to cope with diaper rash with baby oil.

Read Also: Hidden Benefits of Wild Cherry

How To Cope With Diaper Rash With Baby Oil
Image From: 2.bp.blogspot.com

How To Cope With Diaper Rash With Baby Oil

Is Easy Indeed the diaper rash itself is one problem that is not very dangerous but also do not be allowed because it could endanger you and thus you are better off using the how to cope with diaper rash with baby oil.

There is indeed a wide range of how to cope with diaper rash but is indeed using the how to cope with diaper rash with baby oil is easier. baby oil is a natural and useful minerals to provide moisture to the skin of infants.

How to cope with diaper rash with baby oil is very easy because all you need to do is baby oil slathered it on a part that is experiencing diaper rash and you can keep using the pampers on your baby.

How to cope with diaper rash With Baby Oil is easy and practical You need to use the how to cope with diaper rash with baby oil routinely to diaper rash on babies you become really recover and make sure you clean your baby's skin when he wanted to use the how to cope with diaper rash with baby oil.

Read Also: The Amazing Benefits of Tomatoes

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Hidden Benefits of Wild Cherry

Hidden Benefits of Wild Cherry
Image From: herbalextractsplus.com
Hidden Benefits of Wild Cherry - Perhaps many are not aware of this one fruit is the fruit berry. At first glance this fruit is similar to grapes that are round and small and clustered. Fruit that has the Latin name Antidema Thwaitesianum.

Wild cherry is somewhat rare for the time being, the hallmark of berry fruit has a sweet and fresh acid. There are so many types of processed raw materials are made from this  fruit, such as jam, syrup, salad and much more.

Wild cherry does look small, but who think tucked behind their small size or the efficacy of the great benefits of the fruit. As is known, and based on research, Berry contains a lot of nutrients that are good for the human body include: Vitamin C, vitamin A (carotenoids), vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, minerals iron, phosphorus and other substances.

The content of its high vitamin C have function antioxidant to prevent cancer and premature aging. Vitamin C also increases endurance. The fruit is also rich in fiber which can maintain digestive tract health and mprevent colon cancer. The content of vitamin A in the fruit wild cherry role in maintaining eye health. And vitamin E will tighten and rejuvenate the skin cells.

Clearly if the fruit of this berry has many benefits for the human body because of the many nutrients contained in the tiny fruit.

So what are the benefits of this Wild cherry? Let's consider the following:

For Eye Health

Crate carrots, berry fruit is also able to keep our eyes in order to stay healthy for the content of vitamin  A contained in the berry fruit is good to maintain eye health and prevents the occurrence of eye dim afford early.

read also the benefits of birth day fasting  (javanese traditional treatment)


Berry is rich in fiber is very suitable to be consumed for those of you who have digestive problems, causes digestive tract smoothly is because the body does not lack fiber, so it is not smooth, berry fruit consumed regularly will help fill the lack of fiber in the body so that digestive problems can be resolved.

Maintain Immune

Berry is rich in nutrition is very nice to be able to preserve the body's immune and antioxidant body, eating fruits wild cherry time after completing the hard work or the weight is perfect, because it refreshes.

Treating Ulcers and Itch

The trick crushed / mashed berry fruit until smooth and then rubbed on the wound or itching.

Consume how easy that is Prepare Wild cherry ripened about 30-40 pieces.

Wash thoroughly and then we discard seeds. Then Eat the flesh Do it as much as 2 to 3 times a day. After that, Drink warm water or Water for Neutralizing acid taste after Eating fruit earlier Wild cherry


The Amazing Benefits of Tomatoes

The Amazing Benefits of Tomatoes
image from: flavoritetomatoes.com.au

The Amazing Benefits of Tomatoes - The tomatoes can be regarded as a kind of fruit, but its use is most often are as vegetables. It tastes sour delicacy often considered to add many types of cuisine.

As a fruit, ripe tomatoes are also delicious eaten raw, and exciting, which is good enough to be made tomato fruit drinks or juice.

Then what health benefits of tomatoes, including the views of the nutritional content? Tomatoes are known to contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene in large amounts, is a substance that makes tomatoes red.

Not only that, the tomatoes have also been shown to contain a compound called alpha lipoic acid, that has beneficial to help control glucose in the blood, increasing vasodilation and against retinopathy in patients with diabetes, could even help the preservation of brain and nerve tissue.

Compounds that also found in tomatoes are choline, an essential nutrient that helps sleep, muscle motor function, learning and memory functions. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cell membranes, helps the transmission of nerve impulses, helps the absorption of fat, and reduce chronic inflammation.

Some of the benefits of eating tomatoes extraordinary routine for health

Consuming all kinds of fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes are beneficial to health. These include reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Fruits and vegetables are also associated with skin, hair, increase energy, and weight healthy.

Overall, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables are significantly reduces percentage risk of obesity and even premature death.

Here are some of the important benefits of eating tomatoes for us:

Lower risk of cancer:

Because tomatoes contain a variety of powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene, often eat tomatoes would help to prevent formation of free radicals that cause cancer, including the most common types of cancer are prostate, and colorectal cancer (colon cancer). Lycopene in tomatoes linked to lower prostate cancer risk percentage, while high beta-carotene in tomatoes is combined with prevention of colorectal cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, some studies have shown that people with a diet tomatoes may have a lower risk of certain types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer. Further research-based human still necessary to know what exactly role of lycopene in prevention or treatment for cancer.

this benefits of Tomatoes is same with the benefits of Mangosteen read more the article to get the more information about mangosteen.

Normalize Blood Pressure:

Reducing sodium intake is very important to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension, but also increase potassium intake may be as important as the effect vasodilatasinya. Based on the literature, high potassium intake was associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes by up to 20%. In this case tomatoes are also high in potassium.

Heart healthy:

Fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and, choline is a compound found in abundance in tomatoes is good enough, and everything needed to support heart health. Increased intake of potassium is characterized by a decrease in sodium intake is a dietary change that is most important to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
High potassium intake was also associated with a decreased risk of stroke, prevent loss of muscles mass, maintain bone mineral density, and reduce formation of kidney stones.

Benefits for diabetes:

Research has shown that people with diabetes with a high-fiber diet have lower blood glucose levels, and type diabetes may get benefits for blood sugar, lipid and insulin levels. A cup of tomato provides about 2 grams of fiber.

Rejuvenating Skin:

The existence of collagen (a substance that supports the skin), its existence is dependent on vitamin C. vitamin C is an essential nutrient that works in the body as antioxidants, which are useful for preventing skin damage that caused by sun, air or water pollution, wrinkles, and overall improve smoothness of skin.

Preventing constipation:

Constipation is a condition that is very painful, and if it occurs frequently may even increase the risk of colon cancer.

Eating foods high in water content and fiber as well as tomatoes can help to hydrated and smooth bowel movements. Fiber is very important to prevent constipation and faecal without removing the entire left.

Benefits for pregnancy:

Tomatoes contain folate. Folate nutrition is so especially for pregnant women. It is useful to protect the fetus from the risk of neural tube defects.

Preventing depression:

Besides essential for the fetus, folic acid in tomatoes can also help to relieve depression by preventing the formation of excess homocysteine ​​in human body.

Excess hormones can inhibit blood, nutrients, and oxygen to reach brain faster. Excess homocysteine ​​also would disrupt production of the hormone serotonin happy namely, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate mood, sleep and appetite as well.


Tomatoes are included fruit that receive most insecticides, so if less well clean it can be bad if consumes for long term.

For people suffering from gastritis disorders, it is advisable to avoid tomatoes because the acid can aggravate the symptoms. People with normal renal function, as well as those who took the drugs beta-blockers (common prescription drugs for heart disease), should not be excessive potassium - consult your physician. 

But for healthy people, regular consume wide variety of fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes will bring many benefits to a lot of better health.


The Best 5 Mangosteen Benefits for Health

The Best 5 Mangosteen Benefits for Health
image From: healthnbodytips.com

The Best 5 Mangosteen Benefits for Health - The benefits of mangosteen are very good for human health. Mangosteen can prevent many dangerous diseases.

Many researches have found that mangosteen and its skin rich of more than 40 kinds xanthones of compounds. Xanthones is the most anti-oxidants in the world.

Benefits of mangosteen not only has super agent 'The Xanthones ', Mangosteen also contains polikasanida, cathechins, and polyphenols.

Which is one anti-bacterial material. Need to keep in mind that Xanthones is one of main active components from mangosteen.

Here are the benefits of mangosteen for human health:

1.    Prevent Cancer

mangosteen benefits in preventing cancer is quite remarkable, and even cancer and cancer symptoms can be treated using benefits of mangosteen.

The most important result of research related to cancer is to prevent development of tumors caused by presence of compounds garcinone E.

So keep in mind for those cancer patients to please be careful in consuming mangosteen. That is because there are some studies that say that benefits of mangosteen have not been tested very well to problem of cancer.

Academic evidence for cancer treatment or prevention is not yet proven, in Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, scientists warn that even cancer patients should be careful in using mangosteen extract products because of potentially also increase blood sugar levels.

But it remains substances xanthones in mangosteen are very reliable in preventing and fighting cancer, but it is good to consult with a doctor about this problem.

2.    Reduce the Pain

Mangosteen not only its taste that sweet make people love this fruit.

Mangosteen also has anti -inflammatory properties that can combat pain (inflammation, pain and joints damage, arthritis, or pain caused by exercise and minor injuries).

3.    Prevent Infection

Compounds that found in mangosteen is believed to inhibit growth of fungi and bacteria that cause various types of infections in wounds.

This theory is supported by several studies published in the July 2003 edition of "Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin", in this study, researchers tested xanthones from mangosteen.

This research proves that xanthones substance can stop growth of bacteria that causes tuberculosis infection.

read also the benefits of 4 Benefits of Fasting Birthday

4.    Rich of Anti-oxidants

 The content of antioxidants in mangosteen fruit can help remove free radicals found in the body and eliminates certain toxins resulting from pollution.

5.    Good for High Blood Pressure

Another benefit of the mangosteen is very good for people with high blood pressure, fiber content, minerals, and vitamins are very supportive to lowering blood pressure.
